Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More Babies

I was in Sydney on Friday for training and in the afternoon during a group discussion on safety, while studying a handful of photos (interestingly enough we were looking at a pregnant woman at a desk ) I looked down at my phone to see a message from my friend at work telling me she was now 8 weeks pregnant and everything was going really well.  I felt so happy for her I wanted to stop what I was doing and race back to the office.  I think if I was at the office I would be screaming and jumping around, so it was probably a good thing I wasn't there.

On the long train ride home my mind started to think less about the day and work and started to think more about babies and I found myself feeling a little melancholy.  When hubby picked me up he knew something was wrong.  I am so happy for my friend but I cannot help but feel a teeny tiny bit jealous.  And the thing is we are not even trying!  And hubby, being the man and having to find a solution to everything told me that, as discussed, we didn't want it to happen this year and gave me all the reasons why.  But it isn't about that.  It is about the fact that if we decided right now that yes, now is the time for a baby, it wouldn't happen.

I have been tracking my cycles ever since I came off The Pill over three months ago.  I am yet to ovulate and without ovulation a baby isn't even possible.  I just feel a little sad and a little frustrated because it isn't an option.  It is not about now or later it is about the fact that there is no option right now.  My fertility is so out of whack that at this point we are forced into the no children category.

After discussing this with my Hubby I felt better.  There have always been comments about when are we going to have a baby/provide a grandchild etc, and lately I have been finding these comments hurtful and invasive and I couldn't work out why.  Now I know. And a very small part of me cannot help but think, what if next year these problems still exist, maybe this is our lot in life.  And yes I am jumping the gun but this is what's in my head right now.  It would just be nice to know there is an option and we can choose.  I just need to keep focusing on my health, my PCOS and all the positives and also how amazing my life already is and just how for fortunate I am to have my husband, who worships the ground I walk on and treats me like a princess because if it is just meant to be the two of us then I could not ask for a better person to travel with.


  1. I can relate to your raw emotions - Iam not going to say fantastic words of wisdom but I am going to take a different angle to what you have written about and attempt to make you smile with a little humour.

    Don't you hate it how people are always on about children as soon as you marry? I put a stop to it by saying "I never take anything seriously that is poked at me in fun!"

    1. Lol I will have to use that. I usually say "are you going to pay for it and help with the babysitting" we then move on very quickly

  2. *hugs*

    Reading about your journey with POCS has been interesting. I know my female stuff isn't quite right but I have been 'too busy' to do anything about it and like you, I worry that when the time comes if it will even happen for us.

    I have had an implanon since I was 18 years old and some of that time also been on the pill to control my cycle... I just had another one inserted and I am worried I need to give my body a break from it. The Doc assured me that it was all OK and that you will go back to how your cycle was before you started on the implanon if I want to take it out to have a baby but seeing as I was 18 years old since I started on it I don't even know what a 'normal' cycle for me is like! It plays on my mind too...

    I know what you mean about the comments. We are getting all the time 'When's the wedding?'

    So yes, I can relate to how you are feeling!! Sometimes I wished I didn’t worry so much about the future so I can enjoy the current times more and I am working on it!

    The thing I love most about your post is that your Husband treats you like a princess, just as you deserve :-)

    1. So when is the wedding? Lol
      I agree sometimes I think I am living in my head worrying about the future and unaware of the here and now I need to keep reminding myself to come back
