Thursday, February 7, 2013


I have never been trendy, kinda comes with being a nerd.  I don't go along with everyone else, I like to keep it simple.  In fact this blog could be the trendiest thing I am doing.  I am not even on Facebook because frankly I feel if you want to catch up, pick up the telephone.

So for many years I refused to get an iPhone for the simple reason that everyone else has one and I was not going to succumb to this trend, but at the end of last year Hubby and I were complaining for the millionth time about our crappy non iPhone phones that were less than a year old.  So we gave in, we both had brand new iPhone 5s.  Of course, I couldn't be like everyone else, I had to get myself a really funky case to go with it.  So I got this.
The next day the girls at work were coming up to me oohing and ahhing over the CASE.  At the dentist the other day (Part 2 of root canal) I was sitting in the chair (for an hour) listening to music via my iPhone and the dental assistant stopped what she was doing and pointed to my case "Great case, I love it, where did you get that?"  No one actually cares about the fact I have an iPhone, it is all about the case.

And here is my problem.  The case is very chunky, I guess it has to be with all those crystals, which means my phone doesn't work at home, reception here isn't that great, but with all this extra protection on my phone I get nothing.  Hubby has no problems, but I have nothing.  So what do I do?  Leave the case on and bask in my 15 seconds of fashionable glory or ditch the case and go for practicality, which I always choose anyway.  I am leaning towards the fashion, being undisturbed on weekends while I am at home is not a bad thing, and while people continue to comment I will continue to smile and enjoy this fleeting fad.

Linking up with Jacana for Totally Thursday 


  1. I have only just got my first 'smart phone', not an iphone but smart all the same. I have never been a mobile phone type of person, but am wondering why I wasn't now for so long! No fancy cover yet though, god help me when I come across one like yours though, I love a bit of bling :)

    1. Tragically I think it is the nicest thing I own right now!

  2. Thanks for linking in - excuse all the hiccups I am having as I learn about how to operate my link in tool.

    I am totally relating to your post - I have also just brought my first "smart phone" also. I opted for an android. My phone cover is very basic - nothing as bejeweling as yours !!! However my cover does muffle the sound and I have found I have missed so many calls.

    Personally I would keep the cover and limit the interruptions.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks for Totally Thursday, it is great to have a poke around and find new blogs and yes I will keep the cover :)

  3. It IS a nice case! I have been an iphone user for a few years and I am a bit lost without it. I also love facebook and connecting with people that way (most of the time). An old Pen Pal that I used to write to that lives in Japan found me last year and we hadn't written to each other in 10 years so that was pretty cool! I do get a bit annoyed with it sometimes and delete the app on my phone! I am surprised the case makes such a difference! You enjoy your fancy case! :-)

    1. Pen Pal! I had one of those about 10 years ago too! I was on Facebook very briefly about 5 years ago, I cannot go back now, too much maintenance!
