Friday, February 8, 2013

Between The Sheets

Well Valentines Day is coming up.  Of course I never celebrate it because it is so commercial.  At least that is what I always said when I was single.  Now that I have Hubby I think why not jump right on in.  Naturally you should show the one you love that you love them everyday, and I do as does my Hubby, but for one day every year we get to bask in the cheesiness of it all and find each other the most ridiculous and cheeky cards we can.  And lets face it, you can turn your back on February 14 all you like but when a dozen red roses turn up at the office in front of all the girls you suddenly feel like a Princess who has always celebrated the day.  So for today I thought I would find something that had a little romance in the name of the drink without sounding  Of course I knew this day would eventually come, it had too, trying new ingredients and combinations and for this week, it was a total flop.
1 shot Cointreau
1 shot White Rum
1 shot Brandy
1/2 shot lemon juice

Shake with ice and pour into a Martini glass.  

Hubby: Yuck this just doesn't work, 1/5
Me: Um, just don't think citrus and brandy really go together, 3 sips and I am done 1/5
Perfect for: Maybe as a hangover cure.
Try it: Perhaps don't.


  1. Well sometimes "between the sheets" can be a wonderful time and sometimes it can be a totally disaster and disappointment !

  2. haha @ Jacana!

    I agree with you and valantines day!! I am always saying it is lame considering I want us to be lovely to each other everyday! This year is my first with my man. And my mum will be staying with us so we might celebrate it a day later. I bought him a membership with season tickets for Knights games as he is a big fan, and got me tickets too. That's a pretty good present right?! :-)

    1. Wow! He is so lucky! You have only been here a week and are turning into a true Coastie!! It might be an hour away but everyone here seems to be a Knights fan, except for those of us from Sydney who have "Bring back the bears" stickers on their cars. Not me of course, I say bring back the Balmain Tigers :)

    2. My family are Tigers supporters!! We have been going to Jets and Knights games for the past year. I have a Jets membership and all of our 'Jets' friends are affectionately calling us 'Coast Scum' which annoys me!!
