Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Am I on Holidays yet?

So far it has been a very interesting holiday.  Our weekend in the City was fantastic.  It was just what we needed the only thing wrong with it was the accomodation.  It was a mystery hotel that was meant to be 5 star.  I would say it was 4 tops.  And that was for the room we had which they told us was an upgrade.  The bed was awful I hardly slept the whole time.

When we went to pick up Mr C on Monday from FMIL we all were sitting around talking and we started talking about the wedding.  She asked what day of the week it was.  J and I looked at each other as we have told her at least 100 times the details.  When we said Friday she said she couldn't come as she was working.  Interesting.  I picked up Mr C and told J that we have a busy day tomorrow and it was time to leave.  FMIL then went on about how it wouldn't be a problem, surely she could find someone to cover her, but we made it quite obvious that we did not appreciate that comment.  I'm still angry about it.  I mean really, your son is getting married and you have to work?  Did I mention she had already bought the dress she is going to wear and it is black?  I suppose I should be thankful that it is not white.

Then yesterday J had a really nasty toothache and we have just come home from the dentist after emergency surgery.  As you do 4 days out from Christmas.  We really should have left the country for the 2 weeks.

So here I am.  Not bothered to do anything tonight and looking at the presents still to be wrapped.  There is always tomorrow.  Actually tomorrow we would like to have drinks at our house.  The kitchen is almost finished and the painting completed and as soon as the new year is over and done with the bathrooms will be started and finished and that is pretty much it.  Must remain positive and not continue to dwell on the fact that we were supposed to be in before Christmas.  

Time to go sweet talk J into going away for a few nights next week.  So far the time off has not been the relaxation/get out and live life break I was planning for.  It's just been life without physically going to an office for 8 hours a day.  And I still haven't managed to get everything done.  Tomorrow is another day.

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