Thursday, January 17, 2013


(I don't have a habit of letting Mr C eat my shoes, I turned around and this is how I found him)
Lately things have changed a little.  We seem to have found our niche and spot in this world and we are embracing just who we are.  In all honesty I have never been one to try and fit in with the crowd, I have never felt that I was ever in the crowd, but more standing back doing my own thing and occasionally glancing over at what everyone else was doing and thinking "What's the big deal?".

Our house will never be featured in a magazine, the walls are not white and I have a thing for colour.  We don't fill our house with things from the shops, things that everyone else has, and I really am not too fussed about throw cushions.  Aside from our bed and rumpus lounge, our house is full of second hand furniture, either from family or from second-hand vintage warehouses.  And the items that fill in the gaps are hand made and we have been fortunate enough in some instances to have spoken to the creator of the items themselves.  Our style is organic, natural, and most importantly, unique.

I do not like shopping.  Every now and then I would love a day in The City (with an unlimited Credit Card) to spend with my mum where we shop to our hearts content and have lunch at David Jones by the window overlooking Hyde Park.  Outside this I am not a fan.  I go to the shops when I need to, and by that I mean when I cannot get something online.

Some weekends are spent at home, we lock ourselves in our house and just chill with The Boys.  We don't feel the need to go out all the time, being introverts we get our energy from just being at home.  We are homebodies to the extreme and lately I have thought, why fight it?  What is so wrong with wanting to spend a day with my husband at home, pottering and snuggling on the couch watching Seinfeld for the 100th time?  In fact I really love getting up early on a Saturday morning and doing housework, to me it feel so satisfying, I would rather do that then go off to Westfield.

When we are not being homebodies we are out indulging in food and wine and antiques.  We love to explore country towns, popping into antique stores, we love to collect old books, for Hubby it is Engineering and for me it is Agriculture and Australian Classics, for most that would seem weird, but we love it.  We love to eat at good restaurants where they grow the food on site and where someone talks to you at the table to explain in great detail about your meal and of course to enjoy the meal with a great glass of wine.  I get a real kick from boutique wineries were we are the only people at the cellar door and the winemaker/owner takes the time to tell us their secrets and stories in each bottle of wine.  We seem to make instant friends with those who are as passionate about these things as we are.

Monday morning as people discuss their weekends at work I cannot help but think how different we are.  But why fight who we are?  We are now finding ourselves as a couple and embracing everything we have in common and all our passions and I could not be happier.  You really have two options when you wake up each day.  Choose to be happy and true to yourself


  1. Love it ... sounds like the perfect weekend, sounds like me. I've never been one for going out all the time maybe that is why station life suited me to a 'T'. Sparky and I although we travel a bit at the moment for the weekend are a bit the same, home bodies happy to spend the time with each other doing things we want. I agree 'be happy, be true to yourself'.

    1. Top of my list for The One was Homebody and I am so lucky I found one!

  2. Great post. Nice to get to know just a little more. I agree with you be happy and true to yourself.

    1. Thanks Jacana, I felt it was time I opened up a little more about myself
