Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I am sitting here in my study waiting.  I have the front door open and a few windows and I am waiting for the rain to start.  I can feel it in the air and the sky is grey.  There was a slight preview on the way home and now I am waiting for the the water to come flowing from the sky and for the air to change.  The house is feeling stuffy right now and I want fresh air to run through the house and brighten it up just a little.

I am also waiting for dinner.  I have duck fat potatoes roasting in the oven.  This is my third attempt at them, the first two times just have not worked out, but thanks to Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey I am hoping I am going to be enjoying them tonight.

So I sit hear waiting.  Hubby is playing the harmonica in another room and I am here catching up on blogs with my mind ticking over as background noise with little reminders of things to do and as I wait I see my list getting longer and longer.  And so often with waiting comes procrastination.  I could start crossing a few things off my list but right now it feels nice to just sit with my meandering thoughts looking out the window.  

The Boys are pottering about, Raz has just walked in and found an envelope that must have fallen behind the cabinet, and he is happily chewing on it and waving it in front of his brother, teasing him, waiting to start a game.  

I long for the day when I can do this all over again but sit out on my wraparound deck and look out onto rolling green hills spotted with livestock.  For now though, my potatoes need checking and bills need to be paid and the wait is over, time to get on with living.


  1. Oh I so need a follow up post - did it rain, how did the spuds turn out????
    Super cute pugs.

    1. No the rain never came, the house is stil stuffy and we are still waiting :(. However the spuds were the best I have ever eaten I will have to make them again on the weekend because I really feel they need a post of their own :)

  2. Those potatoes sound delicious. I spent an hour and a half doing one of Jamie's 15 minute meals last night. He's not on the top of my list of favourite people anymore!

    1. LOL, someone gave me his 15 minute cookbook for Christmas and the one recipe I tried took 1.5 hours as well!
