Friday, January 18, 2013


Yes there is a heatwave going on.  I know this because at noon today we lost power at work which equals no air con.  I remember back when I was a kid at school and going through the yearly heatwaves.  My uniforms (100% synthetic materials) would stick to me and I would be on the train with a red face all hot and sweaty (nothing has changed much now really)Of course as soon as I arrived home, mum would treat us with an ice cream.  Tonight I thought it was time to make something with cream, something sweet, something to cool off with:

1 shot Butterscotch Schnapps
1 shot Kahlua
3 shots Cream  

Put everything into a cocktail shaker filled with ice and shake, serve in a Martini Glass 

Hubby: Wow that's good, creamy and tastes just like it sounds, 5/5
Me: Liquid dessert, just like the chocolate bar great for a sweet craving, 5/5
Perfect for: Summer afternoons with the girls reliving all things 80s (or whatever childhood decade is appropriate for you)
Try it: When you have a little bit of cream left in the fridge and you just don't know what to do with it, also when you need a sweet hit.