Thursday, January 10, 2013

To Travel Or Not To Travel

Just over 2 months ago my supervisor took on another role for 2 months and I was asked to act up in her role.  She then took another role for 3 months and I am staying on her job for the next 3 months.  Yesterday my boss asked if I was happy to stay, I said yes, assuming he meant if on the odd chance she didn't come back I could stay in this role, but then he asked about travel.  Would I travel or would I stay in this office.  Because he felt if I wanted to go for this same role in one of our other offices, such as the several offices in Sydney, I would have no trouble.  And it has me thinking....

Having now been in this role for just over two months, I like it.  Really what is not to like?  More money, more responsibility, more respect and I have increased my skill set exponentially in the last 2  months.  Let's be totally honest, it will be very difficult for me to step back down after having been there for 5 months.  I would like to stay in this role and my boss is telling me I can if I am prepared to travel.  But I have done the travel thing.  When we first moved up here I was working in Newcastle and that was 1 1/2 hours each way.  I would get up early, get dressed and go to work, I would come home at 7pm have dinner, and go to bed.  When the weekends rolled around I had no energy and spent most of the time bumming around at home.  Outside work there was little time for much else.  

But, I keep thinking about it.  About staying in this role permanently.  Is it worth it?  Will all the benefits outweigh the travel?  And then I remind myself to look at the big picture.  My future is not with this company or with this industry, my future is with myself as boss and lots of rolling green hills.  I like my job, I really like it at the moment, but is it worth commuting to The City each day for when, in the big picture, it isn't even part of my dreams?