Thursday, September 13, 2012


We have been a little pre-occupied this week.  Only 3 more sleeps.  Hubby and I have been thinking for a long time that it was time to expand our little family of 3 to 4.  Mentally we are ready, the house is almost ready and after a little shopping spree I think we have everything that we need.  We have been waiting for months.  And on the weekend we found out that the pregnancy we were backing on wasn't to be.  However by some small chance, on Monday morning a tiny little add popped up, I made the call and here we are.

Mr C needs a buddy, I feel bad that we work full time, he is happy but whenever he goes to the kennels dog resort he goes off.  He loves it there.  The owner has a pug, his name is Gilbert, and Gilbert and Mr C are the best of friends, so we knew that when the time was right we could only go with another pug.  The breeder sent through the photo to me on Monday morning and as soon as I laid eyes on him, I knew, he was The One.  I sent it through to Hubby and he agreed.  I quickly made arrangements for us to go down there on Sunday to take him home.  He is 8 weeks today so the timing is perfect.

I am very clucky right now, for the puppy of course.  My mum is excited she loves Mr C, treats him like a grandson, which he is really.  We treat him like a really baby, while we don't go to the extreme some other owners go, he does walk around naked for example, he is the centre of attention every evening.  And we talk about him all the time as if he was our son.  When we first moved in one of the neighbours came around introducing themselves, pointing our their children, proudly showing off the latest addition, a 6 month old bubba.  I picked up Mr C and introduced him as our only child.  Fortunately they smiled instead of walking away wondering who on earth had just moved in next door.

Hubby's mum was very disappointed with the news, she wants a real baby so bad, but I told her, having two pugs will be perfect practise, once we have this down pat maybe then we will be ready for the real thing.  Surely we are not the only childless couple out there with fur babies who treat them like real children?


  1. How exciting - trust you will post a photo or five of the new addition so we can go ooohhhh and aaahhhhh and oooo how cute etc.

    1. For sure! I have both cameras fully charged with blank SD's in them. Mumma is ready!
