Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Liebster Award

It has been a tad busy here lately, and this post is long overdue, but better late than never.

A few weeks ago two of my favourite bloggers, Jacana and Kirsa both nominated me for the Liebster Award (thank you!) so here are a few interesting facts about me.

The word “Liebster” apparently has German origins and is reported to mean sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. 

So what is a Liebster Award? The award is given to support and recognise up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers (on their blog). 
The rules for the Liebster Award are as follows:
1. Each person must post 11 facts about themselves.
2. Answer 11 questions the tagger has given you and give 11 questions for the person you tag.
3. Choose 11 people and link them to your post (they must have 200 followers or less)
4. Tell them you have tagged them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.
11 random facts about me:

1)  I have only ever had one driving offense and that was when I was 16 and had been a learner for only 6 weeks (I was caught doing 70km/h in a 50km/h zone but Dad took the wrap for that as he was in the car teaching me and really he should have told me to slow down!).

2)  I have written a memoir.

3)  All dogs I have owned have been named after alcohol (although only the last two were deliberately named so).

4)  I have been known to eat an entire jar of olives in one sitting.

5)  I cannot do things by 3's, it has to be 2's or 4's, so if I have a third biscuit then I have to have another one.

6)  My middle name is the same middle name as both my grandmothers.

7)  Hubby and I both have the same defective toe, we both had an ingrown on both sides of our big toe, left foot (long before we met).  

8)  I am still trying to find the answer to the 'what do I want to do when I grow up' question.

9)  I get bored very easily, I always have to be learning something new.

10)  Even though I am a born and bred city girl I have always felt for as long as I could remember that I belonged in the country.

11)  When my asthma was first discovered my parents contemplated moving to the country for the better air quality.  Tragically they didn't. 

Jacana wants to know.....

Explain a family tradition you have?
We go out to a restaurant for Christmas lunch each year, that way no one has to worry about cooking and no one has to clean up!

What is the best gift you have ever received?
A dozen roses my Hubby gave to me when he picked me up for our first date.  We both just knew.

Do you have a hobby?
I have a lot of hobbies but never time for all of them.  At the moment I am really into reading, gardening, walking and wine tasting.

Name 3 items in your handbag or glove box?
Handbag always has my favourite pink Oroton wallet, my mobile phone and my ventolin.

Can you keep secrets?
Yes.  But when something is no longer a secret I always feel so relived.

As a child what did you want to be when you grew up?
Where do I start?  I wanted to be so many different things but the two that stick out the most are marine biologist and fashion designer (which go so well together to).

How far did you go in the education system?
I completed a Bachelor degree and began post graduate studies but they are on hold at the moment.

Have you ever won anything?
I did win an award at Speech Night in my final year at school, and that was a goal I set at the start of the year.  Still waiting to win some money however.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
In all honestly I really want to go to America, always have and I will get there one day.  I want to see the America you do not see in the movies or on TV and a little part of me wants to be a Southern Belle for just a night.

EBook or paper book?
Paper all the way, convenient and I don't get sore eyes from reading.  However I will buy ebooks that are short, easy reads that I can flip through on the train, and they must have lots of colour otherwise my eyes hurt.

Which famous person (living or dead) would you like to sit next to at a dinner party?
Zig Ziglar it would be the most educational and inspiring evening of my life.

Kirsa wants to know.....  

What is your favorite season?
No contest, Autumn.  When Hubby and I became engaged all we knew about the wedding was that it had to be in Autumn and that became the theme of our wedding.  I love the crispness of the air and the way nature shifts inwards.  I love snuggling up and putting on wool jumpers.  I could harp on about it all day.
What animal would you most like to be? 
I'm torn between the air and the sea.  Dolphin to be able to move through the water the way they do and an eagle to experience flying.

What is your favorite sandwich 
Ham and cheese with lots of real butter. 

How far back is your first memory
Visiting mum at the hospital about a few months after my brother was born, I was about 2 and a half. 

Did you ever think you loved a rock star/movie star and who was it? 
Again where do I start?  In the name of good humour I will say that I had a really big thing for Brandon from Beverley Hills 90210 (the original) I think he was only 10 years older than me so in my pre-teen mind we could get married.

Describe your ideal holiday 
5 star accommodation in an upmarket country town with lots of wineries and fine dining restaurants to visit.  And then maybe spending a few days on a tropical island to grab a tan and a few cocktails before coming back to reality.  

Do you chop the heads off a boiled egg, or crack and peel off the shell? 
Neither, I have never had a boiled egg, I have them poached or scrambled.

What kind of car do you drive and if its not your dream car, what is? 
I drive an old Mitsubishi Lancer, and it is definitely not my dream car.  My dream car is the one that Kate Middleton had to her wedding, I am not good on cars but I know it was a black Jaguar, now that is style.

Who is your favorite Author? 
Honestly I do not think I have a favourite.  I like many different types and styles of writing and I find it hard to part with good books, I could be here all night!

What made you start blogging? 
I felt I had a lot to say and instead of thinking things and losing them I wanted to record them.

Would you jump out of a plane?  
No.  In fact I would say Never with a 0.1% margin of error.

I am nominating whoever is reading this and wants to play along (yes slightly breaking the rules).


  1. I enjoyed reading your responses - so nice to learn a little more about you. Congratulations on 2 Liebster awards.

  2. Really loved reading all about you. We have so much in common. I love and agree, with your comments about Autumn. I hope all your dreams come to be reality. xx
