Tuesday, August 28, 2012

It's Pouring

If we could graph our relationship it would look like one of those heart monitors you see on TV.  It would be a flat line with no activity, which is us just cruising along and then a sudden spike, short sharp and sticking out far away from the steady flat line.  This is when suddenly everything happens at once.  It is so true for us, we always say now that it doesn't rain, it pours.

Around two years ago I was temporarily unemployed sitting at home watching TV when I received a call about a job I applied for over three months ago, a job I didn't get and suddenly it was offered to  me.  It was also two hours away.  I said yes and we found ourselves with less than a month to find somewhere to live and pack up our entire life.  Then of course there is the house.  We took a break from the house when we pulled out at the last second from our first builder.  Everything stopped and then Hubby decided it was the perfect time to get engaged because all the stress was gone.  Not long after he put the ring on, the house was back on again.  Not only that but somehow, completely out of our control, the projected finish date was a month before the wedding.  

This week Hubby has an interview on Thursday with a professional organisation to gain chartered status, he has to also give a presentation and show why he should be charted.  Then yesterday morning he gets a call to inform him that he has an interview on Wednesday for the internal job he applied for on Friday.  I haven't seen him this stressed since before the wedding.  

He kept asking me last night, why does this always happen?  I told him this is just us, for whatever reason this is how it is for us and at the end it always works out and we get through it and survive.  I know it wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear but this is life and at times like this I like the huge spikes in our lives, the thrill, the excitement.  While it can be stressful I wouldn't change a thing.  Because right now we are both feeling very alive.


  1. I think it is that way for most people. We spend time cruising along and then wham everything hits at once. I know that happens a lot to me between school and the commitments of the family I work for. I know one minute we will be plodding along in school and then all in one week we have to go to a school cluster, muster and do cattle work. Just seems to be how it goes.

    1. I agree and as stressful as it can be, afterwards I wouldn't change a thing

  2. You need to get that butterfly in Brazil to stop flapping its wings!

  3. Great analogy! It can seem like things all happen at once, and often they do. But, I can tell you from many years married, its the tough times that bind you together. Just be there for each other and you will make it through! :-) Good luck for your man's job!
