Monday, August 27, 2012


In my mind the last couple of weeks are joined into one giant blob and I cannot distinguish one day from another.  Every Monday at work people ask how your weekend was and I remember last Monday stopping to think what I actually did and realising I had no idea.  The weekend that just passed, aside from catching up with my family over lunch was spent Getting Stuff Done.  For the last few weeks we have been in a chaotic mess Getting Stuff Done and I look around and wonder what we actually achieved.

I don't even know if I can define Stuff.  We still have one room in the house that is half full of boxes and half full of Stuff that we cannot work out why we held onto it for so long in storage and that is to be put onto Ebay.  Eventually.  The kitchen, even though I remember cleaning it at least twice, looks like a bomb went off in it after I decided over the weekend that my baking mo-jo was back, and my study, while better that it was, still has two piles of Stuff To Deal With.  

The problem, I believe, goes back to moving in only a few weeks before the wedding.  Actually it may go further back to the whole building taking two years and in that time moving form one tiny unit to another and collecting stuff for the house which saw our storage shed grow and grow.  Then we moved in, unpacked only the essential stuff, while still working on the house before running away for 6 weeks.  We came back to have one week at home where more Stuff was done and then it was back to work where everything stopped because we both found ourselves with 6 weeks worth of work to catch up on.

It just feels so never ending.  And the house has so much work left to it as well.  This weekend will be spent doing a retaining wall out the back and out the front.  I just need some order of things, I need to feel like we are moving forward and not running from one side to another.  So it is back to A Goal A Week and this week my goal is to tick off at least one thing on my To Do List every single day and to  bring back some order into life so we can have a much better week and when I am asked next Monday how my weekend was I can answer with a total recall.


  1. I am feeling your frustration - I am currently in a room that is my study, ironing room and junk room and I am looking at the mess and trying to get motivated to tidy and sort it all

  2. Motivation is hard because doing all this stuff is the last thing I want to do!
