Tuesday, May 7, 2013


In - Two - Three and Out - Two - Three.  Time flies when you are busy, and the most tragic thing is I wish I could just pop back onto my blog and say I was caught up with something really exciting and 'noteworthy' but the reality is I have just been stuck in the generally busy-ness of life.  And health appointments.  Was it Round 2 or 3 of Bloods I had done on Saturday?  I am not sure, but I get the results today.  Because hey, when you have one health issue (PCOS) let's just keep digging to uncover more.

So here I am, so early in the morning it is still dark, finding myself drawn back to my blog and wondering just what I have done all this time.  I have Raz at my feet.  He is a morning Pug, but it's good, we hang out together in the morning while Hubby and Mr C snooze for as long as possible.  Every health appointment I have I keep getting told to relax (I wouldn't say life or my job is particularly stressful, just that I tend to be more anxious in general then most) so I now start my days with Morning Yoga.  It sounds so pious doesn't it?  But in reality when you are overweight and highly inflexible all it does it point out that you are just a little more than a few sessions away from achieving optimal health.  After all, trying to do some of the moves with a PCOS belly in the way is challenging and slightly mortifying (thank goodness I only have Raz as my audience).  I do feel slightly better afterwards, if only that my body has woken up a little bit more and seems to have caught up with my racing mind.

I have been quite busy around the house too, I have this great desire to Nest at the moment.  So a lot of time is spent at home cleaning and trying to sort things out.  Ever since we moved here I have had this To Do list.  But I think one of the great joys of house ownership is that there will always be something to do to the house/yard.  And really, if I did get it all done, what would we do on weekends?  So the list has gone and we will just potter about doing what we can when we feel like it.  Besides, unless I happen across tens of thousands dollars in the street, pottering is the cheapest option right now too.  And with only such a short amount of time left when it will be just the two of us, we need to save for our very Childless weekends away in the Hunter Valley, wining and dining.  Like we did a week ago. 

This is life right now, busy, but busy is the only auto pilot I have, so it might be time to jump onto YouTube, search yoga and so a quick session before the rest of the house starts to stir.


  1. You do have a lot going on in your life at the moment and yes morning yoga does sound very impressive ;-) I am not a morning person at all and even when I am awake early I am sitting in my pj's with a coffee, definitely not exercising. Have fun nesting and enjoy your childless weekends while you can, when you are no longer childless then you can enjoy your weekends in different ways. Have a great day! xx

    1. Thanks Nellie, I am looking forward to those child-filled weekends as well, it is a bit of a battle right now working out which one seems best :)

  2. I like the idea of a "morning Pug". Wouldn't suit me though, I'm big on the sleep in. Stick with the yoga and take care
