Wednesday, October 24, 2012

A Funny Thing Happened This Morning

Hubby has two cars, his normal car and then he has his sports car.  An old yellow Mazda something-or-other that he bought when he was single and did up when he was single.  He is always meant to be selling it.  It was originally going to be sold to help pay for some of the costs of moving in together, then later to help buy the block of land, then to help with the wedding and most recently to assist with finishing off the house.  It still sits in the garage and I no longer factor in the several thousand that we could have.

Hubby has a really bad habit of clearing out his car and leaving everything in a bag that he just dumps at random in the garage.  I ask him to bring it inside the kitchen and we can sort it out together.  It never amounts to much stuff, just a few random items that would take less than 5 minutes to put away.  We went to a BBQ the other night.  I made a dish and brought with me a large serving of rice to go with it.  The rice was in one of Mum's old Corningware dishes.  Classic retro.  Before we went home that night our host gave us a nice bottle of wine.  As we pulled into the drive we collected what we could and left the rest for the morning, which somehow never happened.  Well Hubby cleared the car out a few days ago and left these items in a bag in the garage.  I refused to move them.  I snapped.  I had enough.  Everyday since I would come home, open the garage and see this bag staring at me, but I remained firm, I was not going to touch the bag.

Hubby felt this morning he would take the yellow car to work and give it a run.  I kissed him goodbye and as I went to fix my hair I heard the car engine rev up.  I heard him move down the drive and then I heard the engine sitting idle.  I stuck my head out the front door and the car was on the other side of the road and in the middle of the road was this bag of 'stuff'.  He had forgotten he had placed the bag behind the yellow car and therefore failed to move the bag out of the way, and as he reversed the bag went with him.  Hubby was walking across the road picking up a few items.  A large 4WD doing about 90km (in a 60 zone) came speeding along, Hubby got out of the way and this idiot driver hit the Corningware.  I heard the pop of his tyre, and saw the splatter of glass and china go everywhere followed by a shower of rice.  The driver turned the corner and was gone and I stood in the front door unsure whether to laugh or cry.  Hubby walked up to me. At least he had saved the wine.


  1. I guess you could always drink away your sorrow of losing the dish.

  2. What a bazzare turn of events!! I don't know whether to laugh or cry either, better come share the wine with me ;-)

    1. Done!! I might have to do a blog about my little wine collection. Of course with the dream rural property will be a large underground cellar, so I am starting now :)
