Thursday, January 31, 2013


I thought it may be helpful for me to provide a quick rundown at the end of each month on what has happened.  I want to focus on the positive and the good and pat myself on the back for what I have achieved in terms of my two operations and to fire myself up for the next month.

For the fertility side of things I have managed to weigh 1.3kg less.  I have also been a lot more mindful about what I eat and my 'toxic load'. I manage to drink 1.5L of filtered water on most days and I am happy about this. For February I want to focus on exercise, just walking like I did before things became a little too busy.  I will also be planning my meals (which I have done) but making more of an effort to stick to the plan.  If you fail to plan you plan to fail but then as I have learnt this month, in order for a plan to work you kinda need to stick to it :)

As for the house/home, it has really been a lot of little things, just ticking off a few things that have been sitting around for a while.  Clearing out the filing cabinet, getting the paperwork into a manageable order and lots of cleaning.  I have been out in the yard most evenings attending to my hedge, looking after it and I am pleased to say that it is growing, each plant has lots of new growth and I am looking forward to reaping the benefits at the end of the year.  February is going to be a big month in terms of the house.  We are back into the garden on Saturday with another 15 plants arriving and we are arranging quotes for the deck.  I think also February will involve a little bit of painting too.  Our breakfast table is pine and it has been stained honey.  I love timber and I like honey timber, but just not pine, whenever I see pine I have to paint it, this is what I am wanting:

January has been a good month, going with the flow and pottering about doing lots of little things, and really getting ourselves ready for February, I have looked at my diary for next week and already it is packed.  Bring it on.


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss. Wish I could say I was drinking enough water. Must pay more attention to that.
    Sounds like Feb is going to be full on. Nothing better than when everything gets done and life goes to plan.

    1. Thank you and lets hope so! So far the weather has had a bit of an impact but it is still early days.
