Friday, August 17, 2012

So Close Now

This week I have felt spring in the air.  Whenever I am outside and can feel the sun touching my skin it whispers that Spring is just around the corner.  The air is a little warmer and as I drive to work I can see glimpses of flowers starting to bloom.  Autumn is my favourite season.  I love the cold, by February I am over the heat and hanging out for that crisp chill autumn greets you with early in the morning.  However, as usual, by mid August I am done and seeking a bit of warmth.

For some reason I haven't enjoyed this winter much.  I don't know if that was because our month long Honeymoon was spent primarily in Queensland, which for us felt like summer, or because The Central Coast just doesn't do winter that well.

What I am most looking forward to this Spring is having a garden.  Until recently Hubby and I have lived only in units and before that I lived in a unit not long after I left school, so I have not had a garden since I was a child.  We now have a little strip of green and I am just waiting a few more weeks before I can start planting.  I have everything ready to go, the seeds, the trays, the potting mix, the organic fertiliser.  All that remains is a little more sun and another degree or two more in the morning and Spring will be here.  And I am ready.

(And a special Welcome and Hello if you are visiting from Jacana)

1 comment:

  1. Over the cold myself. I am sick of the games room looking like a laundry as I try to dry clothes. However here in WA apparently we are getting sun tomm. Yah.
