Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I was a child of the 80's and that meant one thing, Sugar.  It was back in the day when sugar was everywhere, and it was only the dentist that seemed to have an issue with it.  The 'tuck shop' at school (now called a canteen) was full of the stuff, there were no healthy meals, lunch was a mini pizza if that is what you so desired.  Then of course there was the old milk bar/general store that you would ride your bike to with your mates or brother/sister, fill up on lollies and head back home for a sugar frenzy.  And of course there were the parties.  Ah yes, parties where no one had any allergies or food sensitives and it was all sugar and white flour in all their glorious forms.  We were all addicted, we got onto the stuff early and it stuck, there were no boundaries, it was sugar freedom.

Then in the 90's when we all became moody teenagers (from too much sugar as a child perhaps?) sugar hung around to give us our high, we didn't do coffee, we did sugar.  Then after school I worked in retail for three years, in confectionery.  Which everyone tells me is their dream job but I can assure you the fantasy is NOT the reality.  I gained 10kg and I can never eat a Lindt ball again.  But I digress.

A few years ago as I was enjoying a delicious meal of Crispy Shredded Steak I suddenly found part of my tooth in my mouth.  Naturally having had a perfect dental history I freaked out.  The next day the dentist gave me a filling.  I was not prepared for it and as such was scared for life.  A few months before the wedding I went in for a check up and FIVE points where located for needing a filling.  I had three done as the other two could wait until later.

Yesterday I saw the dentist as I had a very painful tooth and had stage one of root canal.  If you have never had this done let me suggest that you do whatever you have to do to ensure you never have this treatment.  I already don't like dentists and now they are on The List.  I am sure there are lots of contributing factors but I believe it all comes back to the sugar.  All those years it slowly worked it's way through my mouth and now at the tender age of 30 I am having root canal.  It is time to take it out of my life, time to break up.  Sugar, you are on The List.


  1. Oh yes, I can remember when at school, the tuckshop would sell little 'toffee's' - sugar and a bit of water melted down, a bit of red food colouring (why not!) and a bit more sugar in the form of hundreds and thousands. We would wear our tongue out sucking on them!
    Great post and great reminder.

  2. I am with Kirsa I remember the tuck shop. Lollies, toffees, icecreams and sickly cake with 3 inches of icing.
    Good luck with saying goodbye to sugar you are a stronger woman than me.
